Common Eye Diseases and Disorders Treatment in Kolkata

Eyes-related diseases and disorders are now more common. Digitalization makes things easy and convenient in the present world, but it also has a negative effect on our eyes. Our eyes are exposed to the screens most of the day, resulting in various eye problems. There are different ways to cure these diseases and disorders, such as medication, diets, therapies, surgeries, etc. Several hospitals provide eye surgery in Kolkata.

First, you need to identify and understand your problem and its causes.So, some of the most common eye diseases and disorders are listed below:

  • Refractive Errors.
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
  • Cataract.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Amblyopia
  • Strabismus
  1. Refractive Errors-

It is hard to see clearly when you have a refractive error. They develop because your eye's shape makes it impossible for light to focus properly on the retina (the light-sensitive layer of tissue in the back of the eye). Refractive errors cause most vision problems.

Many hospitals and small clinics in Kolkata provide eye checks for refractive errors and specs-related services.

  1. Age-Related Macular Degeneration-

Loss of vision as a result of eye disease. The loss of central vision is the result of macular degeneration. Dry macular degeneration involves the deterioration of the central area of the retina—blood vessels under the retina leak in wet macular degeneration.

Some hospitals do eye surgery in Kolkata for macular degeneration. You can search about them on google.

  1. Cataract-

The typically clear lens of the eye becomes clouded. The majority of cataracts develop slowly over time. Blurred vision is the most common symptom. Cataracts are similar to gazing through a hazy glass. When a cataract makes it difficult to carry out daily tasks, the hazy lens can be replaced with a clear, artificial lens. In most cases, this is a painless outpatient treatment.

There are some known cataract specialists in Kolkata. You can search on google for their details and information related to the hospital or clinic. Some hospitals provide diagnosis services for eye problems like these.

  1. Diabetic Retinopathy-

Diabetic eye disease is a complication of diabetes. Damage to the blood vessels in the tissue surrounding the back of the eye causes diabetic retinopathy (retina). A risk factor is poorly managed blood sugar. Floaters, blurriness, dark patches of vision, and difficulties detecting colors are some of the first signs of the disease. It is possible to develop blindness. Diabetic management can help with mild cases. In more difficult situations, laser therapy or surgery may be required.

Many known hospitals do eye medication and proper diagnosis in Kolkata for diabetic retinopathy. You can search about them on google.

  1. Glaucoma-

Glaucoma is a collection of eye diseases that affect the optic nerve, essential for good vision. Excessively high pressure in your eye is often the cause of this damage. Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness in persons over 60.

Some hospitals do eye therapies in Kolkata for glaucoma. You can search about them on google.

  1. Amblyopia-

Reduced vision in one eye (amblyopia) is caused by faulty visual development early in infancy. The weaker (or lazy) eye is prone to wandering inward or outward. Amblyopia is a condition that affects people from infancy to the age of seven. It is the most common cause of eyesight loss in children. A lazy eye rarely affects both eyes.

Some hospitals and clinics do eye surgery in Kolkata for amblyopia. You can search about them on google.

  1. Strabismus-

Strabismus is a condition in which both eyes do not align properly. As a result, they don't stare at the same thing simultaneously. "Crossed eyes" is the most prevalent symptom of strabismus.

Some clinics do eye surgery in Kolkata for macular degeneration. You can search about them on google.

There are various eye diseases, and their cure is possible through medication, therapies, and surgeries. What is important to know is what kind of diseases you are suffering from, their causes, and how you can cure them.


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